Monday, April 30, 2012

Sirhan did not act alone and Robert F. Kennedy

A key witness in the 1968 assassination of Robert F. Kennedy has withdrawn from its official statements, in the case and now claims that convicted murderer Sirhan Sirhan did not act alone.
Nina Rhodes-Hughes, 78, told CNN that the FBI and then-California Attorney General, Kamala Harris, "twisted" their initial statements of the authorities.
"What we need to leave is that there was another shooter to my right," Rhodes told CNN. "The truth must be told. No more hiding."
Rhodes's original statement FBI says it heard eight gunshots at the time and makes no mention of a second gunman. However, Rhodes, who was just meters from Kennedy says she has never claimed to have heard only eight shots.
"I never said eight shotRhodum scriptor originale constitutio FBI dicit auditum octo gunshots in tempore et facit mentionem secundo gunman. Autem, Rhodum, qui erat metris a Kennedy inquit numquam petiit ad audivi octo offa.
"Non dicitur mitti VIII. Non semper dictum. Plures quam octo ictus" dixit Nulla. "Erunt certe XII fortasse XIV. Et audivi numerum scio quia caput meum."
Ultimum November, legisperitis enim Sirhan annunciaverunt interpositione de provocatione ad veredictum, allegans Coniuratio auctoritates in hoc. Rogant Sirhan solutus carcere. Eius legisperitis arguitur quod Sirhan fuit hostiam malignis forma "vestibulum hypothesis" quod causatur eum credere falso quod erat percussoris RFK.
"Mihi non est egressa quae nunc pro spe quam tristis - saltem nunc pro nullo" Rhodo Nulla dictum.
Rhodii numquam dicta testis Sirhan tentatio, sed paulo post dicit colloquium amet dedit se audivisse quo minus duodecim diebus.s. I never, ever said that. There were more than eight shots," she told CNN. "There were at least 12, maybe 14 . And I know there was because I heard the rhythm in my head. "
Last November, lawyers for Sirhan have announced the filing of a challenge to the verdict, alleging a conspiracy by the authorities in this matter. They ask that Sirhan be released from prison. His lawyers argue that Sirhan had been the victim of a malicious form of "programming hypothesis" that caused him to believe wrongly that he was the assassin of RFK.
"For me, it is hopeful and sad that it only coming out now instead of before - but at least now, instead of never," Rhodes told CNN.
Rhodes was never called as a witness in the trial of Sirhan, but says she gave an interview shortly after the shooting in which she claimed to have heard at least a dozen times.

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